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Keya Medical


  • CCTA
  • Myocardial Ischemia


DEEPVESSEL FFR (DVFFR)  is an image analysis software developed for the quantitative and qualitative analysis of Coronary Computed Tomography Angiography (CCTA). The software utilizes image processing and artificial intelligence techniques to non-invasively calculate non-invasive fractional flow reserve (FFR) index, an index that quantifies the severity of myocardial ischemia associated with artery stenosis. The purpose is to provide additional physiological functional assessment of coronary artery disease (CAD).1

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Images shown for illustrative purposes only.

Clinical Workflow

CINA (for ICH)

ICH workflow

CINA (for LVO)

LVO workflow

For CalanticTM software version 1.0.0, no prior study will be examined.

*ICH refers to intracranial haemorrhage; SAH to subarachnoid haemorrhage; SDH to subdural haemorrhage; IPH to intraparenchymal haemorrhage; IVH to intraventricular haemorrhage; and EDH to epidural haemorrhage.

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    • Input coronary CTA images need to be acquired by a CT scanner with at least "4 detector rows;
    • Input coronary CTA images with any of the following conditions may NOT be eligible for DVFFR analysis and should be excluded:
    • Unsuitable imaging parameters:
      • Slice thickness >1 mm; 
      • Slice spacing > 1mm; 
      • In-plane pixel spacing > 0.55 mm; 
      • kVp <70; 
    • Unsuitable image quality:
      • Images with severe imaging artifacts, including motion artifact, misalignment calcium blooming, low contrast and high noise.
    • The software generates the DVFFR analysis results in two main steps. The first step generates a  3D coronary artery tree model from the CTA image automatically using deep learning-based segmentation algorithms. Manual corrections of the segmentation results are allowed when necessary to confirm the accuracy of the 3D coronary artery tree segmentation.  
    • In the second step, the deep learning framework consists of a multi-layer perceptron network (MLP) and a bidirectional multi-layer recursive neural network (BRNN), which utilize the segmentation results and the CTA image, to estimate semi-continuous FFR values along the coronary artery centerlines.
    • The output of the analysis is a PDF report with detailed DVFFR assessment and branch-by-branch visualizations, along with a 3D DVFFR tree model where the DVFFR values are mapped on top of the surface model.  

      Keya Medical Technology

      EU risk class and CE marking                
      DEEPVESSEL FFR has CE marking (CE0344) and risk class IIa

      Reimbursement status                
      Not reimbursed.

      The product itself does not cause adverse reactions. However, because this product is based on coronary artery tomography, there are strict requirements for the quality of CT image to be processed by this software. The inappropriate CT images may affect the FFR calculation results and thus affect the diagnostic evaluation. The specific tomography standards and requirements are shown in precautions. If the patient is not suitable for collecting CTA images, this product will not be used.

      Target Population

      • Patients with chest pain suspected to have coronary artery disease in need of confirmation
      • Patients with coronary artery disease who need further assessment
        Li, Y., Qui, H., Hou, Z., et al.(2022):Additional value of deep learning computed tomographic angiography-based fractional flow reserve in detecting coronary stenosis and predicting outcomes. Acta Radiologica 63.1: 133–140.
        Wang, Z., Zhou Y., Zhao , Y. et al.(2019):Diagnostic accuracy of a deep learning approach to calculate FFR from coronary CT angiography. Journal of geriatric cardiology: JGC 16.1: 42.
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        Currently not integrated with the Calantic Viewer.

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