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Prostate Intelligence 

lucida medical


Prostate IntelligenceTM is a radiological analysis software indicated for use in the assessment of MRI images of males aged 21 or over with the suspicion of prostate cancer.​ 

Use of the software has the following expected clinical benefits:​ 

  • Identify patients not at risk of csPCa (clinically significant prostate cancer) through provision of a risk score that can be considered as part of the decision to biopsy.​ 
  • Find more significant cancer, by highlighting high-risk lesions that radiologists might miss, enabling more accurate targeting.
  • ​Speed up the process, by facilitating assessment and segmentation tasks through provision of candidate prostate and lesion segmentations.​ 
  • Identify estimated volume of prostate and lesions.​ 

It also has additional wider benefits such as:​ 

  • Use software for training purposes – i.e., as an adjunct for teaching non-experienced radiologists how to use and report​. 
  • Allow more resource for processing scans hence reducing the workload in the clinical setting (i.e., no need to calculate tumour volume or fill a structured report manually).1

PI Output

Visuals shown for illustrative purposes only.

BoneView detects the following:​

  • Fracture​
  • Dislocation
  • ​Effusion
  • ​Lesion​

BoneView takes in consideration the following areas:

  • Limbs​
  • Pelvis
  • ​Ribs
  • ​Dorsolumbar Spine3

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    • T2 Axial​ 
    • ADC​ 
    • Multiple B-value DWI​ 
    • DCE (contrast) - Optional​

    Segmentation and Images ​ 

    • The following segmentations are available:​ 
      • Prostate​ 
      • Seminal vesicles (SV)​ 
      • Lesions​ 
      • Combined prostate, SV and lesion segmentations ​

    Note that where no lesions are found, no lesion segmentations are output.​ 

    • The following image types are available:​ 
      • Imported T2 axial and ADC​ 
      • High B-value DWI generated by PI​ 
      • Imported T2 axial, with superimposed segmentations and lesion overlays​ 
      • Post-processed DCE (contrast) image highlighting areas of rapid contrast uptake​


    • The template report incorporates the patient history, if provided, and the following results of analysis:​ 
      • Highest AI-Likert score: a score indicative of the level of risk that the patient may have clinically significant prostate cancer, as a continuous value between 1.0 and 5.0.​ 
      • A list of candidate regions of interest, each with a Lesion AI-Likert score between 1.0 and 5.0 indicative of the risk that each such candidate region of interest corresponds to an area of clinically significant prostate cancer.​ 
      • Diagrams illustrating the prostate segmentation and each candidate region of interest.​

      EU risk class and CE marking
      Prostate Intelligence has CE marking (CE0459) and risk class IIb

      Reimbursement status
      Not reimbursed


      • There are currently no reported residual risks, contraindications, and undesirable side-effects​ 
      • The software is not intended for use:​ 
        • for staging​ 
        • to control equipment for prostate biopsy or treatment, for example to automatically drive robotic or energy delivering devices (e.g. radiotherapy machine).​ 
        • to control or monitor any other device.​ 
      • The software must not be used with patients:​ 
        • who received a prostate biopsy within 6 weeks before the MRI examination​ 
        • with prior prostate or urethral treatment or surgery​ 
        • whose MRI scan quality is severely impaired, for example by patient motion, breathing, peristaltic motion, rectal gas, or metallic implants such as hip prostheses​ 
        • where a radiologist considers that the MRI examination is not of diagnostic quality​ 
        • with MRI examinations that do not follow PI-RADS®v2.1 scanning protocols​ 
        • whose MRI images have been captured using an endo-rectal coil.​

      Target Population
      Prostate IntelligenceTM is a radiological analysis software indicated for use in the assessment of MRI images of biological males aged 21 or over with the suspicion of prostate cancer.​


      • None described​
        Instructions for Use Prostate Intelligence, software version 2.4​.2

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        aPROMISE is intended to be used with PSMA images acquired using PET/CT imaging.

        • Prostatic lesions
        • Extraprostatic lesions
        • PET/CT


        aBSI provides detection and quantification of lesions for evaluation of Prostate Cancer Progression.

        • Extraprostatic lesions
        • Bone Scintigraphy

        Quantib Prostate

        Quantib Prostate provides the user with processing, visualization, and editing of prostate MRI images.

        • Intraprostatic lesions
        • MRI