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  • Prostatic lesions
  • Extraprostatic lesions
  • PET/CT

aPROMISE is intended to be used with PSMA images acquired using PET/CT imaging. The software provides a clinical application for oncology including detection and quantification of lesion candidates (in Bone, Lymph Node and Prostate).

Exini aPromise

Images shown for illustrative purposes only.

Quantib Prostate

aPROMISE demonstrated high sensitivity in the detection and pre-segmentation of regions of interest that are determined to be suspicious for metastatic disease1

Quantib Prostate

aPROMISE may contribute to broader standardization of PSMA imaging assessment and to its clinical utility in the management of prostate cancer patients1

Clinical Workflow

clearread workflow

For CalanticTM software version 1.0.0 and older versions, no prior study will be examined.

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    Appropriate Series for CT

    Photometric Interpretation (0028,0004) with value either MONOCHROME1 or MONOCHROME2

    Intensities in Hounsfield units

    Equally spaced slices, range 0.1 mm - 5.0 mm

    Equally spaced pixels, range 0.1 mm - 2.0 mm


    Appropriate Series for PET

    Photometric Interpretation (0028,0004) with value MONOCHROME2

    Equally spaced slices, range 1.4 mm - 5.0 mm

    Equally spaced pixels, range 1.4 mm - 5.5 mm

    Corrected Image (0028,0051) present with value ATTN or DECY

    Decay Correction (0054,1102) present with value START

    Units (0054,1001) present with value GML, CNTS, or BQML

    Picture Archiving and Communications System (PACS) tools, clinical application for oncology including marking of regions of interest and quantitative analysis.

      Currently not made available with Calantic Viewer. Separately distributed by Bayer.


      EU risk class and CE marking
      aPROMISE has CE marking (CE0123) and risk class IIa.

      Reimbursement status
      Not reimbursed.

      No contraindications given.

      Target population
      Not indicated.

      Intended User
      Trained healthcare professionals and researchers.


      - Always ensure that the patient name, patient ID and study date displayed in the patient section correspond to the patient case you intend to review.

      - The user must ensure the review of the image quality and quantification analysis results before signing the report.

      - Always review the images and quantification results in the report to ensure that the information saved and exported is correct.

      - The quantification analysis results provided by aPROMISE are intended to be used as complementary information together with other patient information and investigations used in the clinical decision making process. The user shall not rely solely on the information provided by aPROMISE for diagnostic or treatment decisions.

        Instructions for Use aPROMISE, software version 1.4
        Johnsson K, Brynolfsson J, Sahlstedt H, Nickols NG, Rettig M, Probst S, Morris MJ, Bjartell A, Eiber M, Anand A. Analytical performance of aPROMISE: automated anatomic contextualization, detection, and quantification of [18F]DCFPyL (PSMA) imaging for standardized reporting. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging. 2022 Feb;49(3):1041-1051. doi: 10.1007/s00259-021-05497-8. Epub 2021 Aug 31. PMID: 34463809; PMCID: PMC8803714
        Nickols N, Anand A, Johnsson K,Brynolfsson J,Borreli P,Parikh N,Juarez J,Jafari L,Eiber M, Rettig M. aPROMISE: A Novel AutomatedPROMISE Platform to Standardize Evaluation of Tumor Burdenin 18F-DCFPyL Images ofVeterans with Prostate Cancer. JNucl Med. 2022 Feb;63(2):233-239. doi: 10.2967/jnumed.120.261863. Epub2021 May 28. PMID: 34049980
        App gallery wave image
        Discover ClearRead CT

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        Now available as part of Calantic’s Prostate Service Line. Contact us today to learn more.

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        Other Offerings in the Prostate Service Line

        Deep health

        Quantib Prostate

        • Intraprostatic lesions
        • MRI
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        • Extraprostatic lesions
        • Bone Scintigraphy