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What is CalanticTM Digital Solutions?

An orchestrated suite of AI radiology solutions that will focus on quality of care today and help transform radiology tomorrow. Our cloud-based marketplace, with service line AI apps, are integrated into the radiologist’s workflow with the Calantic Viewer integrated in the PACS viewport.

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What is Calantic

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Why Calantic?

Calantic gives radiologists access to tools and AI applications, that support worklist prioritization, detection and quantification– with intuitive functionality tailored for specific disease areas.

Smooth AI in Radiology workflow integration

Smooth workflow integration


Within your PACS environment, for easy access to an orchestrated set of AI applications that empower how you work.


Improving efficiency and detection through integrated apps

Through integrated AI apps, improving efficiency and detection


By automating tasks, flagging time critical and/or suspected findings. Minimize the risk of missing a finding and spend more time rendering diagnoses. 


a trusted partner

A trusted partner


At the intersection of radiology and life science, Bayer is well-positioned to focus on disease-oriented solutions. With deep clinical expertise, focus on security and compliance, extensive integration and technical support, and educational resources, we help you scale to meet your needs.


Smooth AI in Radiology workflow integration

Smooth workflow integration


Within your PACS environment, for easy access to an orchestrated set of AI applications that empower how you work.


Improving efficiency and detection through integrated apps

Through integrated AI apps, improving efficiency and detection


By automating tasks, flagging time critical and/or suspected findings. Minimize the risk of missing a finding and spend more time rendering diagnoses.


a trusted partner

A trusted partner


At the intersection of radiology and life science, Bayer is well-positioned to focus on disease-oriented solutions. With deep clinical expertise, focus on security and compliance, extensive integration and technical support, and educational resources, we help you scale to meet your needs.


Ever increasing pressure on healthcare is threatening the sustainability of radiology departments and patients

Radiology departments face greater complexity



In the number of images produced per scan1

Radiology departments pushed to their limits



report signs of burn-out or depression2

Diagnostic Errors



Diagnostic Errors
per year worldwide3

How Calantic works

Developed by radiologists for radiologists, Calantic takes previous fragmented and unrelated app solutions and coordinates them into a single convenient marketplace. Vetted with Bayer's expertise, to ensure the feasibility and reliability of third-party solutions.

Calantic Workflow

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

Click here to see the Workflow Image.

How Calantic works

Developed by radiologists for radiologists, Calantic takes previous fragmented and unrelated app solutions and coordinates them into a single convenient marketplace. Vetted with Bayer's expertise, to ensure the feasibility and reliability of third-party solutions.

Video title

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

Click here to see the Workflow Image.

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A trusted partner

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Calantic and Blackford more offerings

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Smooth workflow integration

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Calantic and Blackford: more powerful together

  More powerful together.

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1McDonald, RJ, Schwartz, K, Eckel, L. et al.,(2015), The Effects of Changes in Utilization and Technological Advancements of Cross-Sectional Imaging on Radiologist Workload, Academic Radiology, 22(9), 1191-1198

2Kane, L. (2022) Medscape National Physician Burnout & Suicide Report 2022: The Generational Divide. Medscape Retrieved August 17, 2022 from https://www.medscape.com/slideshow/2022-lifestyle-burnout-6014664?reg=1#2

3Itri, J. N., Tappouni, R. R., McEachern, R. O., et.al. (2018) Fundamentals of Diagnostic Error in Imaging. RadioGraphics 38, 1845-1865. Retrieved August 17, 2022 from https://pubs.rsna.org/doi/epdf/10.1148/rg.2018180021
