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Check out the new eBook: Artificial Intelligence in Lung Cancer Screening Imaging Download now

Radiologists are facing barriers hindering AI adoption in clinical practice

Workflow integration

Workflow integration

67% radiologists highlight workflow mapping and implementation as a barrier.1

Lack of trust

Lack of trust

Only 6.7% of reviewed AI/ML algorithms had validation dataset sizes of over 1000 patients according to one study.2

Rise of AI applications

Rise of AI applications

Over 720 FDA-cleared AI radiology apps in the US3, 4

Rise of AI applications

Rise of AI applications

Over 720 FDA-cleared AI radiology apps in the US3, 4


Calantic – the AI Radiology Solution from Bayer

Calantic gives radiologists access to tools and AI applications, that support worklist prioritization, detection, and quantification – with intuitive functionality tailored for specific disease areas.

  • Edge

    Enables automatic routing of pseudonymized studies from the PACS, RIS and/or EMR to the right Al application.

  • Viewer

    Smoothly accessible through the PACS, provides a unified user interface for interacting with Al findings. Al results can be approved or rejected by the radiologist.

  • Curated 

    Provides a curated selection of AI applications bundled in specialty-driven clinical service lines.

  • Analytics

    Offers insights into real -world Al performance in your practice. Benchmarkthe clinical success of Al implementation and continuously monitor.

Cloud-housted platform

Cloud-hosted platform that provides access 
to AI applications

Access to all installed applications through 
a single common user interface

Access to the Calantic curated and selected portfolio of AI applications

Zero-footprint CalanticTM Viewer integrated into 
the PACS viewport

Zero-footprint CalanticTM Viewer smoothly accessible through the PACS viewport

Our Clinical Service at a Glance

Dive into our tailored solutions thoughtfully categorized into service lines spanning from thoracic to neurology, cardiovascular to breast, and more.

Our Clinical Service at a Glance
Our Clinical Service at a Glance
Explore the benefits of Artificial Intelligence in Radiology

Explore the benefits of Artificial Intelligence in Radiology

How can AI potentially address the challenges faced by radiology departments today? Get insights into promising clinical uses of artificial intelligence in Radiology.

Read Online
Discover the future of Cancer Screening with AI

Using AI for Cancer Screening

How can the use of AI in radiology potentially improve cancer screening and detection? Examine the research about the use of AI in breast, colorectal, hepatocellular, and prostate cancer screening.

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Gain Insight into AI's Impact on Neurology

Gain Insight into AI's Impact on Neurology

This eBook outlines the most common applications of AI in neuroradiology and discusses the evidence behind them.

Read Online


Adapted from Strohm L, Hehakaya C, Ranschaert ER, Boon WPC, Moors EHM. Implementation of artificial intelligence (AI) applications in radiology: hindering and facilitating factors. Eur Radiol. 2020 Oct;30(10):5525-5532. doi: 10.1007/s00330-020-06946-y.
Ebrahimian, Shadi et al. FDA-regulated AI Algorithms: Trends, Strengths, and Gaps of Validation Studies. Academic Radiology, Volume 29, Issue 4, 559 - 566
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (AI/ML)-Enabled Medical Devices. U.S. Food & Drug Administration. Updated August 7 2024. Accessed August 23, 2024. https://www.fda.gov/medical-devices/software-medical-device-samd/artificial-intelligence-and-machine-learning-aiml-enabled-medical-devices
Available online: https://grand-challenge.org/aiforradiology/ [Accessed 27/01/2025]
    McDonald, RJ, Schwartz, K, Eckel, L. et al.,(2015), The Effects of Changes in Utilization and Technological Advancements of Cross-Sectional Imaging on Radiologist Workload, Academic Radiology, 22(9), 1191-1198
    Kane, L. (2022) Medscape National Physician Burnout & Suicide Report 2022: The Generational Divide. Medscape Retrieved August 17, 2022 from https://www.medscape.com/slideshow/2022-lifestyle-burnout-6014664?reg=1#2
    Itri, J. N., Tappouni, R. R., McEachern, R. O., et.al. (2018) Fundamentals of Diagnostic Error in Imaging. RadioGraphics 38, 1845-1865. Retrieved August 17, 2022 from  https://pubs.rsna.org/doi/epdf/10.1148/rg.2018180021